I'm so far behind I feel too overwhelmed to try to catch up, so I've continued to neglect the blog. I've been trying to complete this post for months!
The little ones enjoy my Korean chest of drawers as much as I do. |
Dean met up with Bro at the SW Washington Fair in August to see
Weird Al in concert, with Hunter and Kyler in tow - their first concert. "It was fine," said Hunter, the ever underwhelmed. Kyler had a blast, of course. Dean doesn't take pictures, but he picked up a great concert t-shirt, which he wore with a funky wig to our ward's halloween party, as Weird Al.
Halloween was fine as always. I'm not the kind of mom who creates fabulous costumes. The kids are generally happy enough to go through our box of costume paraphernalia and come up with something satisfactory, perhaps picking up a new thing or two. I didn't manage any pictures, but we went to the ward party, and trick or treated in downtown Gig Harbor at the homes and businesses as it rained lightly, which it has since mid October. Dean took them in our neighborhood.
Speaking of Weird Al, Dean went to karaoke at the watering hole near the clinic on a recent Friday night with some of the staff from the clinic, who are regulars. He sang Weird Al's White and Nerdy and wore his Weird Al concert shirt - we're getting lots of mileage out of it already :)
Tristan took the scissors to his hair for the first time in October. I didn't buzz the leftovers like I did the older boys - that would look too terrible, especially with the goose egg he's been sporting for two months just above his hairline. |
Dean took all the boys camping in August. Cambria and I held up the home front while they did their thing in the Olympic National Park near Hurricane Ridge, with Tristan being up much of the night and wanting to come home to me (how flattering).
Tristan plugged in the iron on a Sunday in August, then grabbed it and burned his hand badly. He screamed for hours until I found some Unguentine in the first aid kit, which relieved the pain instantly. The giant blister popped after a week. We tended it carefully and his hand is in perfect condition now. |
Dustin and Patti and their canines came up for Independence Day, so we celebrated our wonderful country with good food on our new grill - compliments of Josh, and softball and frivolity in the back yard. Dean was stunned that I played ball. We watched the fireworks that night and did a few of our own at home, and in all had a wonderful day.
Bro and Patti brought a yummy ice cream cake for the birthday boys. |
We never did a 1-year birthday party or cake smash with Lady Cambria, so we let her have at the boys' ice cream cake. |
Uncle Dusty finally had to beat the pinata to death for Hunter and Kyler's birthday. The boys went wild with the candy. |
Hunter started 5th grade and Kyler started 1st grade in September. |
I'm getting pretty bad about the blog thing myself - reading or writing lol! But it's great to see pics of your little ones; they are so big AND pretty, if I might add!! Love Tristan's hair!!
Great update even if it is a little belated. Had no idea about all the news!
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