Friday, November 13, 2009

If you can't beat 'em. . .

I've mentioned that I relented recently and let the boys purchase a pre-owned Game Cube, along with a couple of pre-owned games (Harry Potter). I hoped that they would be motivated enough to play it to be more responsible and keep their bedroom clean and their chores done, which are the requirements to be able to play. Those are the TV-watching requirements as well, however they will go ages without seeing TV at home, until I can't stand their mess any more and help them shovel through it. They are old enough to be responsible for that themselves, although when it gets to a certain point it is overwhelming so I have to step in.

The last week or so, Hunter has been speeding through his chores and has (mostly) been willing to do whatever else is asked of him, and he has been tidying up his bedroom and bathroom daily (or at least a LOT more than usual)!!! I'm so excited. This evening he told me that he was doing his chores faster now. I had a hunch, but asked why that was just to see what he would say. Sure enough, he said it was so he could play Harry Potter, and earn money (he gets paid a commission for his chores). Success! It worked! He's motivated! He has goals! Granted, it's to play video games and buy toys (see previous posts). But it is something, and it is far better than choosing to spend all Saturday in his bedroom because he's too lazy to tidy it up so we can all go do something fun.

Kyler more or less rides Hunter's apron strings and gets to play because their room is clean, but not so much because Kyler cleaned it. He does help me quite a bit at home during the day while Hunter is gone to school, so that's worth something. I've been more consistent with my "powerful parenting" (read John Rosemond if you're interested) when he really steps out of line, so in some instances his behavior has been improving, and he is definitely much better behaved in public (after spending the remainder of the day in his room a couple of times following some egregious behavior whilst out and about with me).

Anyway, those words from Hunter today were music to my ears. And, I went to a cooking group this evening, so Dean reported that Hunter actually got out of bed because he forgot some trash that needed to go out (it's trash night, and gathering up the trash and taking it out is one of his duties). Ahhhh. I am patting myself on the back. That is the first true sign of responsibility I've detected.


KaNdRa and JaReD said...

That is a true accomplishment!! Way to go! I bet it is a huge relief. Hopefully it stays that way:)

imbritney said...

sweet success!! I bet it's nice to finally have some help. :)

imbize said...

Hey, motivation ..bribes.. it's all the same. :) My boys are on the same system. Wyatt is a super worker and Chase is the laziest kid alive...but alas, the room is clean and that is ALL I care about! :)