I really can't say that I never won anything. At Bro's wedding this summer, there was a quiz about the bride and groom with all sorts of questions such as "what is his favorite snack", "on what street do they live", etc. I got the most answers right of all the guests, so I won - this lovely mug, with pictures of the bride, groom, and their dogs - both of whom were in the wedding.

Here is Dean's beloved bird, Pancho. During Dean's convalescence recently, Pancho got to spend most of his days with him. Normally he spends the day in his cage in another room while his "Lover" is gone to work. All this togetherness was enough to get Pancho's adolescent hormones racing, since he's long since decided that Dean is his one true love. So, here he is in the towel cupboard nesting, preparing a place for their offspring.
I love it! Dean and Pancho sitting in a tree...
I'm glad Pancho is in love...
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