Cambria sits at four months with just a bit of back support. Saturday we felt her first tooth, and today I felt the next - both on the bottom. These pictures are with the new camera!!! I have so much to learn. I brightened these up a bit with the computer. On Saturday we went to an air show at another base here in Seoul (pictures will come when Dean returns with his iPhone). Tristan enjoyed it the most of the boys, as he is enthralled with "ha-panes" and "dot-ters" right now (airplanes and helicopters). There were as many as 8 fighter planes at a time to watch, and it was a thrill. Hunter won a 50,000 won (~$42) gift certificate to the Nike store in Itaewon, by charming the announcer calling out raffle ticket numbers.
Tristan is my love bug and has been reclaiming my lap of late. There's plenty of room for them both. He has developed eczema, so we try not to bathe him as much. I suspect it is due to milk or wheat, but it is soooo hard to change our whole food life to figure it out, especially when he demands a "gink" from me with those big hazel eyes, and since he tries to live on PBJs and cereal. He has been in big boy underwear exclusively for a month, and has yet to have an accident away from home or at night, but nearly every day he drops a load at home.
Yesterday was our Primary Program at church, where the kids sing the songs they have been learning all year and each child has a small part. It was delightful, and we could hear Kyler singing from where we sat in the back. He has taken that over from Hunter. Afterward we had a Primary Activity during the normal primary time, with stations about scripture heroes. Hunter did a station about David, of David and Goliath fame, to fulfill a Faith in God requirement. While I didn't have enormous responsibilities (as a counselor in the presidency) it is still a load off my mind to have it all behind us now. I have been filling in as a den leader as well to Hunter's bear den until we can find a real replacement. I feel like I'm doing a mediocre job (at best) of everything right now.