After our site seeing in Arizona we were off to California where we stayed in Malibu with Bro's inlaws, the nicest folks. They are Korean, and told us a lot about Korea and Seoul, and what to expect. Uncle Bro (aka Dustin, Dean's brother) and Auntie Patti came from Oregon to see us before Dean flew out from LA.
We also shipped the minivan from LA. We spent a day hanging out around the Santa Monica Pier, Dean and the boys at the pier having loads of fun on all the rides, and Tristan and myself strolling around the area enjoying the sights and doing a little shopping.
There was a random African Grey sitting on a perch near the pier. Dean, who loves birds (the reason he became a veterinarian), couldn't resist communing with it. The bird was left alone as far as we could tell. There was a sign below that said people could take pictures with the bird for a donation.
We had dinner near the pier at an Italian restaurant. Kyler was so tired from all the excitement, that he could hardly stay awake.
After we left Dean at the airport, I drove with the boys to Sierra Vista, AZ to visit my brother and his little family. We ended up staying five nights there. The boys got their first taste of Nintendo and Donkey Kong, and played it tens of hours. I managed to lose more maternity clothing, namely my swim suit (I could just cry) when we went swimming at the municipal pool in Tombstone, AZ which is nearby. I still wear it since I still also wear the baby fat I haven't lost yet from the Trist-man. Not sure what happened to the suit. But it's gone (not to mention that almost all of my other maternity clothing accidentally went into long-term storage instead of going to Korea with us)!
Tombstone is a tourist trap if ever I've seen one, but it was fun, and we spent almost nothing. I always pat myself on the back when I can say that.
We were also able to visit my Aunt Joan and Uncle Si while there, and cousins Michael and Elizabeth. Elizabeth and some of her children were visiting from Rio Rancho, NM. We used to like to visit them when we were New Mexicans as well.
Next we went to Mesa, AZ where I stayed overnight with my Aunt Carol in her lovely home. I went to a 5:30am temple session while she was home with the sleeping kiddos. The boys loved swimming at her house.
Then we went to see Grandma Burnham, who is 95 and still busy as a bee, living on her own. She was playing the piano when we knocked on the door, and has been entering family history data in her computer, among all her other many projects... She is most amazing! We also got to see Aunt Dawna and Uncle Jimmy and his family, then we headed for Ramah, the last 300 miles of this long journey. My faithful Dodge Intrepid has now passed 130,000 miles and is still going great.
So, Dean has gotten adjusted to the 15 hour time difference and is getting into the swing of things there at Seoul/Yongsan. He attended the temple there on Saturday, and took the subway system to get to it. The subway system is five floors beneath the ground, each floor a different line. I'm glad he is there figuring all this stuff out for me! He has been in classes and in processing, and will begin working this coming week. AND!!! He got us housing on the base (actually a satellite location off the main base, but complete with a small but adequate commissary, swimming pool, playground, etc.) He will move in July 8, and we are flying out about July 12.
We are excited, and are enjoying the pleasant weather here in Ramah in the mean time. Today the boys went with Grandma and Grandpa to the farmers market, where they sold live plants and produce from the garden (spinach, radishes, rhubarb, etc). They all had fun. I called up my BFF Ronelle and we went to Gallup to do errands and shop shop shop. I've taken the advice of a lady at Yongsan and have been buying clothing, since I likely won't have many options once there. I always feel so guilty shopping for pleasure, but OH WELL!